Arma 3 Contact Communicate With Alien Entity


Arma 3 Contact Communicate With Alien Entity Must

  1. ARMA 3 Contact

    1LT Q.Simmons replied toW.Blackwell's topic in Game Discussion

    well, it is not what you think honestly there aren't alien foot soldiers like the halo games or whatever just entities of an alien presence. New equipment to listen in on radio communications, vehicles and gear nothing to crazy
  2. Phillipines to Declare War on Canada?

    1LT Q.Simmons replied toRET P.Conlisk's topic in General

  3. Let's Start a Story.....

    1LT Q.Simmons replied toRET D.Cantu's topic in Rest & Recuperation (R&R)

  4. Let's Start a Story.....

    1LT Q.Simmons replied toRET D.Cantu's topic in Rest & Recuperation (R&R)

  5. Let's Start a Story.....

    1LT Q.Simmons replied toRET D.Cantu's topic in Rest & Recuperation (R&R)

  6. WW2 Mini-Campaign Information & OPORDs

    1LT Q.Simmons replied toJ.Ryan's topic in Game Discussion

  7. WW2 Mini-Campaign Information & OPORDs

    1LT Q.Simmons replied toJ.Ryan's topic in Game Discussion

  8. Let's Start a Story.....

    1LT Q.Simmons replied toRET D.Cantu's topic in Rest & Recuperation (R&R)

  9. Let's Start a Story.....

    1LT Q.Simmons replied toRET D.Cantu's topic in Rest & Recuperation (R&R)

  10. Let's Start a Story.....

    1LT Q.Simmons replied toRET D.Cantu's topic in Rest & Recuperation (R&R)

  11. Proposition of Weekly Event - 1944 Themed Campaign - ArmA 3

    1LT Q.Simmons replied toN.Moreira's topic in Rest & Recuperation (R&R)

  12. Proposition of Weekly Event - 1944 Themed Campaign - ArmA 3

    1LT Q.Simmons replied toN.Moreira's topic in Rest & Recuperation (R&R)

    Update on this make sure whoever is over this little event to plan accordingly
  13. Proposition of Weekly Event - 1944 Themed Campaign - ArmA 3

    1LT Q.Simmons replied toN.Moreira's topic in Rest & Recuperation (R&R)

    I Approve. R&R server will be used for this little campaign of yours if its finished
  14. Why are we called 'Rock of the Marne?'

    1LT Q.Simmons replied toRET A.Cantu's topic in General

  15. How do the polls look?

    1LT Q.Simmons replied toRET A.Cantu's topic in General

The small Alien Entity (AE - referred to as Drone in technical systems) is used by ET for surveillance, reconnaissance, research, and defense as needed. It is made from unknown and supremely tough materials. The entity has local control of gravity, and it moves in pulses. It can collect and utilize almost any type of matter from the local.

Arma 3 Contact Communicate With Alien Entity

Arma 3 Contact Communicate With Alien Entity Name

  • Jump into Arma 3’s official Zeus Game Master, Combat Patrol, and Warlords multiplayer modes with additional scenarios for the new Livonia terrain. The Arma 3 Contact spin-off expansion is supported by free new content for all Arma 3 owners.
  • The M577 Armored Personnel Carrier7 (APC) is a type of light armored tactical response vehicle2 employed by the United States Colonial Marine Corps. It is a lightweight troop transport designed to operate as a multi-role vehicle and capable of being dropped into combat by dropship.7 Aside from its principle transport role, the M577 is also equipped with sufficient weaponry to serve in an.
  • The Contact expansion adds 5 weapons to your Arma 3 arsenal. The LDF makes use of the Promet Assault Rifle. This modular bullpup rifle is known for its unique detachable carry handle with integrated scope and can be fitted with an under-barrel grenade launcher or shotgun attachment.